Things to Put Inside Plastic Easter Eggs

Do you buy the plastic eggs for Easter? Do you use those for your Easter Egg Hunt? Do you have a hard time coming up with things to put inside the plastic eggs? I want to share a few suggestions for you here.

#1.) Candy. A lot of moms and dads want to cut back on the candy their kids get at Easter time but everyone wants a little candy, right? There are lots of kinds of candy that are small enough pieces that they will fit inside an egg. One suggestion is jelly beans. There are many flavors of jelly beans so if you don’t like the first ones you see, keep looking. These jelly beans are actually Sweet Tart flavors.

#2.) Mini Fruit By the Foot. Depending on the size of your plastic eggs…and how much you squish them…these will fit inside an egg. 😉 At least I got them inside our eggs! Lol

#3.) Kid Band-Aids. These are Toy Story ones so, of course, they are cool.

#4.) Stickers. I found some colored Easter egg stickers, but there are a million kinds of stickers out there! We also had kittens and puppies and dinosaurs and Minions and…yep, you got the picture.

#5.) Pom-poms. These are great for making crafts or the larger ones make very soft balls for throwing in the house.

#6.) Pipe Cleaners or Chenille Stems. Yep, just wrap them up in a circle and they’ll fit inside a plastic egg.

#7.) Letter Stickers to spell the child’s name.

#8.) Puzzle pieces. This one is fun because after the Easter Egg Hunt is done, there is a puzzle to put together.

#9.) Loom Bands. Do your kids make bracelets out of these colorful little rubber bands? Hide some in an Easter egg.

#10.) Hair barrettes, clips or pony tail holders.

#11.) Small Lego sets. This is a larger sized egg that this Lego set is pictured with. But how cool would it be to find Lego in an egg?!

I hope these few suggestions help you find things to fill your plastic Easter eggs. There are tons more things you could use, so just spend a little time wandering down the aisles of your local store and I’m betting you’ll find plenty of ideas. 🙂

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